Monday, April 12, 2010

Anticipation for Tonight's Episode

As viewers mourned President Hassan's murder at the end of last weeks episode, we were left with a new problem in the show. The reason that Hassan's murder was such a big deal is because the peace agreement between the United States and the Islamic Republic is now almost certaintly not going to happen. However, in preview for tonights episode we see that President Allison Taylor finds help in getting the peace agreement to happen in an unlikely place: former President Charles Logan. Logan was one of the worst examples of a bad cop: as the corruptness trickled all the way up to the presidency. In season 5 of 24 President Logan was found working for terrorists "for the good of the country." In the finale he was exposed by his wife, Martha Logan (one of my favorite characters in all of 24) exposed him in front of a press conference for being evil and called him a "monster." We last saw these two characters in season 6 as they made a cameo, and Martha Logan subsequently stabbed her ex husband in the shoulder blade. He is now shown on tonights episode offering Allison Taylor help. Will he have evil motives? Will he actually use his Russian allies to get the peace agreement? We will find out on tonight's episode tonight at 9/8 central on Fox.

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1 comment:

  1. I really like this speculation and analyzing over just knowledge of the show and a short preview clip. This really shows your knowledge of the show, not that I didn't know that anyway though with the Jack Bauer poster over your bed haha
